In a shocking revelation, disgraced royal butler Paul Burrell has claimed that he secretly bedded Princess Diana, a leading British tabloid said on Sunday.
According to the News of the World , the "slimy flunky bragged to his wife's brother Ron Cosgrove that he was on call for sex 24x7. Ron told us: "Burrell said Diana was so demanding. And he told me he'd caught the Queen naked."
Ron said: "The man has shamed us and made a fool out of my sister Maria. The final straw came when he was caught on video admitting how he lied to Diana's inquest. I hope I never see him again."
For 25 years furniture dealer 61-year-old Ron has had a ringside seat at Burrell's extraordinary rise from humble palace footman to millionaire celebrity.
And he revealed how Diana's trusted servant dropped his bombshell story of sex with the boss over a drink at the local pub.
"It was 1993 while Paul was working for the princess at Kensington Palace," he said. "He and Maria came home to Cheshire one weekend and on the Sunday lunchtime Paul specifically asked if he could talk to me in private.
"He clearly had something on his mind so we went to the Peal of Bells in Holt for a few pints. Then during the conversation he suddenly tells me he's been having a sexual relationship with Princess Diana.
"He said they did it in the bedroom, the bath, everywhere. He claimed Diana liked to be domineering."
According to the report, Diana's demands on Burrell eased off when she met and fell for heart surgeon Dr Hasnat Khan.
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